Entry 1 – Introductions

Entry 1 – Introductions

Lauren Cuppy

Welcome aboard!

Hi friends! I’m so excited to finally bring this dream to fruition and can’t wait to see how it grows. I wanted to make a “Life” section because between taking epic trips and devouring books, I’m still just working and taking classes and living like anyone else. And just like you, I have triumphs and defeats and I like to talk about both of them. I stopped going to therapy before I moved abroad and I’ve never kept a journal before, so I think this is going to turn into my own little therapy journal project.

So a little about me. I’m a student at the University of South Carolina where I study Biology and Global Studies. I grew up in Charleston, SC with my parents, stepmom, little brother Kellen, and my four-legged friend Lulu. I hate the cold and sweet tea and love houseplants, candy, Netflix marathons, and adventures outdoors. I’m also a huge fan of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson (and all mythology honestly). I also spent the last the fall of 2021 studying in Switzerland, so expect lots of stories and recommendations based on my time there.

Some other things about me. I suffer from severe anxiety and mild depression. I’m treated for both and I am very candid about my experience with my mental health. For those struggling with the same diagnosis, or struggling without it, I want to be an advocate and a storyteller for how I have learned to manage my health. I will forewarn that I am also very sarcastic and that doesn’t always land right with everyone, but humor is a way to cope, so please just know that I never intend to offend or belittle anyone or their situation.

I look forward to developing this blog further into a showcase of all of the things I love. If you want to follow me on this journey, please subscribe! You might just learn something.

All for now 🙂